Friday, November 28, 2008

Gratitude Challenge #26

Today, I'm thankful for my iPod and the music that's on it.

I really love music. I go to sleep with music playing each night and wake up to it each morning. I have the radio on all day in my office as background noise. When I'm home, if I'm not riveted to some mindless tv show, I've either got a cd playing orthe radio on.

But my iPod keeps me company most often when I'm on the treadmill. Walking on the treadmill has to be the most boring of all workouts. I've worked up to 30 minutes now, but boy, can those 30 minutes seem like hours. Sure, the gym has a couple of tv's that you can watch and listen to while on the equipment, but I have a hard time concentrating on the screen without tripping over my own two feet. I'm not the most coordinated of people.

When I have my iPod with me, I get lost in the music while I'm walking and don't notice how long I'm on there. My collection of music includes Cajun, Jazz, Easy Listening, Christmas and the soundtrack from Walt Disney World. I just concentrate on the music and find myself lost somewhere other than on the treadmill - either walking through EPCOT or seeing the sights around New Orleans or any number of other places.

So what do you listen to on your iPod?

Until next time,


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