Sunday, December 28, 2008

Choosing Joy #26

I missed the boat on having children and at 46, I'm not about to start now. But, I'm blessed that my sister Jamie asked me to be godmother to her first child, Christian. And, three years ago, I was blessed again when my cousin Ryan and his wife Ruth asked me to be godmother to their daughter Adrienne.

I love these two kids (and also my nephew Nick!) to death! I enjoy spoiling them every chance I get. I've always felt a special bond with Christian, even though we live so far away from each other. I'm developing a great relationship with Adrienne, who I get to see often as we only live a couple of hours from each other.

Today, my joy was seeing both of my godchildren at the same time!

Until next time,


1 comment:

scrap4u said...

Hey Kelly--I love this picture of you Christian and Adrienne! I can't believe how tall Christian is! I know you're glad to be home now. Happy New Year!