Monday, December 15, 2008

Choosing Joy #13

Tonight, I delivered my first Christmas present and after a long, task-filled day, I decided that it was my joy.

I love Christmas and I particularly love giving gifts to as many people as I can. Unfortunately, this year, with funds being tight, I've had to cut back on my gift giving, which has made me sad. But, the good news is that I had bought lots of craft-ables over the course of the year, so I was able to hand-make several gifts to give to some of my closest friends.

I delivered a mini-clipboard (see here for all of them) to my water aerobics instructor, Linda. I couldn't stay for class, but went down to the pool to catch her in between classes and give it to her and say thanks for being such a great instructor. She was quite surprised to see me in regular clothing and I think she was surprised that I was there to thank her.

Being able to give a gift to someone when they least expected it definitely put me in the mood for Christmas and helped me to choose my joy for today.

Until next time,


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