Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 6: A Fun Day

Had a play date today with my friend Joyce. Unfortunately, or forutnately, depending on how you look at it, her firm reduced her number of workdays down to 3 a week, so she's off on Wednesdays and Fridays. Unfortunate because that's quite a pay cut. But fortunate because she still has a job and an income.

We went to see a matinee of "Start Trek" this morning. We haven't been to a movie since last summer, or whenever "Sex and The City" came out. The theater was pretty empty - I think I counted 7 people just as the lights went down for the previews. I love empty theaters!

Started my online web design class today. The lessons are posted on Wednesdays and Fridays, and the class runs 6 weeks. I got a 100% on the quiz on the first lesson today. That's encouraging. Keep your fingers crossed that I catch on to this stuff!

Made it to the gym today, even though my knee is still not 100%. That's making me nuts because now that I have more free time, I'd love to spend more time in the gym. But I'm not going to risk totally messing up my knee now, so I'll just take it slow.

I'm trudging on. Every day is an adventure.

Until Next Time,


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