Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 17: The Sleepless Nights

I've always been a night owl, and have always hated mornings. Even as a kid, when Mom and Dad would put us to bed at 9:00 p.m., I'd generally lay awake in my bed listening to whatever show they were watching and then on to the news. I even stayed awake after they went to bed and the house was quiet.

As an adult, I had to train myself to go to bed before midnight so that I could get up before the crack of dawn to go to work and be semi-coherent.

But now that I don't have a regular routine, of course, I'm awake late at night and sleeping in in the mornings. I've been up to see all of the last episodes of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno; I've seen several Jimmy Kimmel shows; M*A*S*H comes on at some point on TV Land; did you know you can watch professional poker on NBC in the wee hours of the morning? The problem isn't that I'm just staying up late because I can. The problem is that I can't sleep.

It's been about 6 nights now. I just lay there awake, my mind racing. At least the tv distracts me a bit, but it is frustrating to not be able to sleep.

I'm getting tired. I try not to nap during the day because I know it won't help the situation at night. And I've given up caffiene again. But nothing seems to help. Of course, right now, it's the middle of the night again and here I am, up in front of the computer instead of in bed snoozing. I didn't feel like watching the poker game.

At least my little furry friend is snoozing away!

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

scrap4u said...

Sorry you're having trouble sleeping Kelly. But at least I know you're alive! Have you tried something like Tylenol PM? It's just tylenol with dramamine added to it to make you drowsy. That might help.

Maybe try turning off the tv and playing your ipod instead. So you'll hear music to keep your mind from racing but it will be dark and won't be anything for you to watch and distract you from sleeping.

Stress is probably the biggest thing keeping you awake. Are you still working out? If your knee will take it, try going for long walks everyday. Carry Aero with you for company. Or get on the eliptical everyday. But only if you knee can take it.

What about a straight yoga or pilates class to try and relax you? You can always get a DVD at Target and try it at home.

Good luck whatever you do.