Sunday, June 29, 2008

Five-and-a-Half Non-Scale Victories!

I've battled the scale all my life. When I was a kid, I was the 'fat kid' on the block, although, by today's standards, I really wasn't that fat. I was just heavier than the girls I hung out with. My Mom did a great job of keeping my weight in check through most of my life - she's great at portion control. Too bad I didn't inherit that talent from her. I think it also helped that I danced until I was about 19. When I was in high school, I was a student teacher, so I was putting in lots of hours at the studio teaching and learning.

Since I've been an adult, my weight has been my nemesis. And today, now that I've reached that middle-aged status, it has becomea monkey on my back that just won't go away.

That's why I go to the Y and hop in the pool for water aerobics as often as I can. And why I signed up for boot camp. And why I'm going to start personal training with Denise. If I don't stay active, then the pounds seem to just pack themselves on my hips and other body parts, even if I keep my eating in check. I seem to lose the battle with the scale no matter what I do.

But today, I had 5-1/2 great non-scale victories. I met with Denise for a follow-up fitness assessment to see if I improved at all during the 3 weeks of boot camp. Before boot camp, she measured my abilities in cardio, upper body, lower body, core strength, flexibility and balance. Today, I showed improvement in all but 1 area, and that's one that I've been working on since the first assessment.

In the first assessment, she had me do 2-3 minute intervals on the treadmill at various speeds to see where my heart rate would fall and to determine the best speed for me when I would walk on it during boot camp. At 2.4, my heart rate was up at 148. Today, at the same speed, my heart rate only went up to 128. Hah. NSV #1. Now I know I can go just a little faster on the treadmill from now on and push myself a little more.

Upper Body
Because I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my right wrist, Denise didn't want me doing push-ups on the floor either during the assessments or boot camp, so she had me doing them against the wall. First assessment: 22 in one minute. Today, 25 in one minute. NSV #2. I want to work up to 30 by my next assessment.

Lower Body
The evil imaginary chair. When I first attempted it 4 weeks ago, I could only hold the position for about 30 seconds. Well, that annoyed me because I've always thought my legs were the strongest after all those years of dancing. So, not only did we do the imaginary chair during boot camp, I've been doing it at home at night, trying to improve my time. Well, today, I hit 1 minute and 30 seconds in the imaginary chair. Woo-hoo! NSV #3 coming at you!

Sitting on the floor with my legs in a V-position, Denise measured how far I could reach in front of me. First assessment: 16 inches. Today: 18.5 inches. That surprised me! NSV #4 - I was ready to do the happy dance.

Core Strength
I know that my core needs lots of work and when I'm in the pool, I try to really concentrate on doing the exercises correctly to get all the benefit I can. At the first assessement, I could only hold the situp position for 10 seconds, and Denise said that was the biggest challenge for me to work on during boot camp. Today, I held it for 30 seconds, which I know doesn't seem like a lot, but to me, it was a big NSV. #5 to be exact.

Now here's the hardest thing for me. Balance. My right side is definitly stronger than my left, and naturally, my balance is better on my right. In the first assessment, I balanced on my right foot for about 10 seconds, and then on my left, a measly 6 seconds. Today, my right foot held on for 30 seconds, but my left side refused to cooperate. I looked like a drunk flamingo! I couldn't ever find my balance, so I get a 1/2 NSV for this category. I'm determined to make that left side work, so every chance I get I stand on my left foot and try to raise my right one, trying to get the balance working.

I'm not one to brag about myself or pat myself on the back because I am my own worst critic, but today, I'm singing my own prasies, patting myself on the back, bragging and doing the happy dance. I saw results from just 3 weeks of training. Yippee!! I can't wait to see what happens at the end of the 4 weeks of personal training with Denise.

And, I just want to thank Denise for being a great trainer. Her kindness and understanding of women with bigger bodies is incredible and I'm honored to work with her. She's my hero!!!!

Until Next Time,

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