Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paying to Get Tortured

Boot Camp ended on Friday and I can't believe I'm going to admit this: I miss it. Yep, I miss getting up and being tortured before the crack of dawn three days a week. I'm not sure exactly what it is I miss, but something's just not right today.

On the last day of boot camp, the owners of EWHC offered us a chance to get some personal training time with Denise at a discounted rate. Of course, being in a fully-exhausted, motor-running state, I jumped on that bandwagon and signed up. Well, I didn't have any form of payment with me, so Stephanie (one of the owners) kindly let me slide with the promise that I'd stop by on Monday morning and pay.

Monday came and went, and most of Tuesday came and went. I got an e-mail from EWHC yesterday asking if I was still interested in doing the personal training because the deadline for payment was yesterday. EEK!! Work had been so crazy that I forgot to stop by!

So, this morning, I dropped off a check to Stephanie with an apology for not being more responsible. And there it was - I made the payment to get tortured. I'll be training with Denise twice a week for four weeks. I still have to set up the times, but I HAVE TO SET UP THE TIMES since I've paid for it. I'm meeting with Denise on Sunday for the follow-up fitness assessment from boot camp (to see if I've made any progress), so I guess we'll set up a schedule then.


Until next time,

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