Monday, June 9, 2008

Boot Camp: Not for the Faint of Heart

I'm a big girl. I admit it - just take a look at my picutre and you can see that I've got a lot of extra poundage around my butt and other regions. But, that's not to say that I don't try to eat right and exercise.

The "E" word has in recent years become a part of my routine. 4 years ago, I joined Curves, the women-only easy-to-do-three-times-a-week workout. And for 3 years, I pretty faithfully went and did my 30 minutes 3-4 days a week. Unfortunately for me, it became more of a social outlet than a calorie-burning outlet, and my friend and workout partner Angela convinced me we needed more. With a lot of fear, but a good push from Angela, I joined the YMCA in May of 2007.

Now, I'm not afraid to try new things. During my stint at Curves and while at the Y, I've taken classes at Every Woman Health Club (another local gym specifically for women of all shapes and sizes). Those classes have included Belly Dancing (!), fitness ball how-to's, and hand weight how-to's. At the Y, I've ventured out of the pool for water aerobics and have tried a step class, a spinning class, Capioera and dance aerobics. I've also been seen on the treadmill, bike and occasionally huffing and puffing while I try to master the elliptical.

But my most recent venture into the world of E that doesn't include chlorine and a swimsuit was signing up for BOOT CAMP. EWHC offered a 3-week boot camp, Monday-Wednesday-Friday mornings. When the announcement first went out, there was that adventurous part of me that immediately thought "Wow - I should sign up for this!" Then the practical, non-E part of me would take over saying "Are you kidding? You couldn't keep up with that! Besides, what makes you think you're actually going to get out of bed to be there by 6:00 a.m.?" For two weeks I had this constant battle with myself.

Finally, on my way home the Friday before class was to start, I stopped in at EWHC to see if I could still sign up. Anne, one of the owners, told me that I was too late - they had reached their limit of 9 students. Outwardly, I was disappointed while my heart was doing that happy dance that my dilemma was solved for me - I didn't have to do it! Anne is probably one of the nicest people I've met, and she offered to 'wait list' me in case someone dropped out before Monday morning. Sure, no problem, I probably won't get a call....

Monday morning at around 10, Anne left me a message - Denise, the trainer, said that I could join them on Wednesday morning for the remainder of the session. I couldn't say no, so my decision was made: get to EWHC by 6:00 a.m. Wednesday morning for boot camp.

I'm so not a morning person, so getting there by 6 is a real challenge for me. But so far, I've done it. And even though the class is only 45 minutes, it's tough! That's why it's called boot camp. Duh.

Last Wednesday, by the afternoon, I thought I was gonna die. Friday I was sore, but not as bad. Today, I'm sore in different places, but feeling pretty good. I'm sore in places I didn't know you could be sore in. But, with only 5 more sessions, I'm feeling like I can make it.

I don't think I would have even considered something like this if Denise, the trainer, was not the one leading the class. I have the utmost respect for her - I always try to take her classes whenever they're offered. Not only is she in great shape, but her personality is warm and caring. She makes larger women feel comfortable in the gym and gives you a feeling that you can do this, no matter what your size or shape. I'm the biggest person in the group, but Denise gives me alternatives to the things I can't do (like push-ups on the floor, jogging around the block), while pushing me just as hard as she pushes the other women in the class.

Let's hope my butt takes notice and decides to firm up and drop some of it's pounds during these three weeks!

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! I'm here with ya!

Big Booty Boot Camp...we're gonna do it!!
