Sunday, June 29, 2008

Five-and-a-Half Non-Scale Victories!

I've battled the scale all my life. When I was a kid, I was the 'fat kid' on the block, although, by today's standards, I really wasn't that fat. I was just heavier than the girls I hung out with. My Mom did a great job of keeping my weight in check through most of my life - she's great at portion control. Too bad I didn't inherit that talent from her. I think it also helped that I danced until I was about 19. When I was in high school, I was a student teacher, so I was putting in lots of hours at the studio teaching and learning.

Since I've been an adult, my weight has been my nemesis. And today, now that I've reached that middle-aged status, it has becomea monkey on my back that just won't go away.

That's why I go to the Y and hop in the pool for water aerobics as often as I can. And why I signed up for boot camp. And why I'm going to start personal training with Denise. If I don't stay active, then the pounds seem to just pack themselves on my hips and other body parts, even if I keep my eating in check. I seem to lose the battle with the scale no matter what I do.

But today, I had 5-1/2 great non-scale victories. I met with Denise for a follow-up fitness assessment to see if I improved at all during the 3 weeks of boot camp. Before boot camp, she measured my abilities in cardio, upper body, lower body, core strength, flexibility and balance. Today, I showed improvement in all but 1 area, and that's one that I've been working on since the first assessment.

In the first assessment, she had me do 2-3 minute intervals on the treadmill at various speeds to see where my heart rate would fall and to determine the best speed for me when I would walk on it during boot camp. At 2.4, my heart rate was up at 148. Today, at the same speed, my heart rate only went up to 128. Hah. NSV #1. Now I know I can go just a little faster on the treadmill from now on and push myself a little more.

Upper Body
Because I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my right wrist, Denise didn't want me doing push-ups on the floor either during the assessments or boot camp, so she had me doing them against the wall. First assessment: 22 in one minute. Today, 25 in one minute. NSV #2. I want to work up to 30 by my next assessment.

Lower Body
The evil imaginary chair. When I first attempted it 4 weeks ago, I could only hold the position for about 30 seconds. Well, that annoyed me because I've always thought my legs were the strongest after all those years of dancing. So, not only did we do the imaginary chair during boot camp, I've been doing it at home at night, trying to improve my time. Well, today, I hit 1 minute and 30 seconds in the imaginary chair. Woo-hoo! NSV #3 coming at you!

Sitting on the floor with my legs in a V-position, Denise measured how far I could reach in front of me. First assessment: 16 inches. Today: 18.5 inches. That surprised me! NSV #4 - I was ready to do the happy dance.

Core Strength
I know that my core needs lots of work and when I'm in the pool, I try to really concentrate on doing the exercises correctly to get all the benefit I can. At the first assessement, I could only hold the situp position for 10 seconds, and Denise said that was the biggest challenge for me to work on during boot camp. Today, I held it for 30 seconds, which I know doesn't seem like a lot, but to me, it was a big NSV. #5 to be exact.

Now here's the hardest thing for me. Balance. My right side is definitly stronger than my left, and naturally, my balance is better on my right. In the first assessment, I balanced on my right foot for about 10 seconds, and then on my left, a measly 6 seconds. Today, my right foot held on for 30 seconds, but my left side refused to cooperate. I looked like a drunk flamingo! I couldn't ever find my balance, so I get a 1/2 NSV for this category. I'm determined to make that left side work, so every chance I get I stand on my left foot and try to raise my right one, trying to get the balance working.

I'm not one to brag about myself or pat myself on the back because I am my own worst critic, but today, I'm singing my own prasies, patting myself on the back, bragging and doing the happy dance. I saw results from just 3 weeks of training. Yippee!! I can't wait to see what happens at the end of the 4 weeks of personal training with Denise.

And, I just want to thank Denise for being a great trainer. Her kindness and understanding of women with bigger bodies is incredible and I'm honored to work with her. She's my hero!!!!

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paying to Get Tortured

Boot Camp ended on Friday and I can't believe I'm going to admit this: I miss it. Yep, I miss getting up and being tortured before the crack of dawn three days a week. I'm not sure exactly what it is I miss, but something's just not right today.

On the last day of boot camp, the owners of EWHC offered us a chance to get some personal training time with Denise at a discounted rate. Of course, being in a fully-exhausted, motor-running state, I jumped on that bandwagon and signed up. Well, I didn't have any form of payment with me, so Stephanie (one of the owners) kindly let me slide with the promise that I'd stop by on Monday morning and pay.

Monday came and went, and most of Tuesday came and went. I got an e-mail from EWHC yesterday asking if I was still interested in doing the personal training because the deadline for payment was yesterday. EEK!! Work had been so crazy that I forgot to stop by!

So, this morning, I dropped off a check to Stephanie with an apology for not being more responsible. And there it was - I made the payment to get tortured. I'll be training with Denise twice a week for four weeks. I still have to set up the times, but I HAVE TO SET UP THE TIMES since I've paid for it. I'm meeting with Denise on Sunday for the follow-up fitness assessment from boot camp (to see if I've made any progress), so I guess we'll set up a schedule then.


Until next time,

Monday, June 23, 2008

It Didn't Kill Me, But Am I Stronger?

I know there's some old saying about stuff that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger... I can't remember the exact quote, but my Dad agreed with me and said he really believes that it's true.

Okay, then, I must be stronger: boot camp tried to kill me on a couple of occasions, but it didn't. Thank goodness.

Friday was the final day of the 3-week series. Of course, I managed to sleep through the alarm at 5:10 a.m. and lazily looked at the clock at 5:35, sending me into an all-out panic. I didn't want to miss the final day - that would be like giving up. So I hopped out of bed, got dressed and was in the car by 5:45, which isn't bad for someone who's a slow-poke when it comes to getting dressed, no matter how few steps are needed. I rushed into the gym at 5:59, just as Denise was getting everyone started. She smiled at me and just said "I'm glad you made it." Yeah, me too in a crazy kind of way.

The final workout was a tough one, but once it was done, I had a mixed bag of emotions surging through me. I was glad that I took the challenge and made it there each morning. I was relieved that it was over. I was happy that I got to work on a more personal level with Denise. I was pleased that some of the other women in the group accepted me for who I am and didn't care about my size.

But the odd part of it was that at the same time, I felt a little sad that it was over. Me, Miss "I Hate to Exercise," was mourning the end of boot camp. Go figure.

Even though I had some physical challenges during the last three weeks keeping up with the group, I made it. It didn't kill me to get up before dawn 3 days a week. It didn't kill me (although a few times I thought I was close!) to exercise before the chickens get up. It didn't kill me to shower and get dressed for work in the locker room. It didn't kill me to push myself to new limits.

I can truly say that I think it made me just a little stronger, both physically and mentally. I can walk on the treadmill a little faster than before. I can use 7-pound hand weights to strengthen and tone instead of 3 or 5. I can do 27 push-ups in a minute instead of 20.

And I can do anything I set my mind to do. I AM STRONGER!!

Until next time,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Monday....

Aero decided that he needed to go outside this morning while I was still sleeping. He barked until I was half-awake and as I looked around the room, it was still dark. Oh good. Maybe it's like 2 or 3 in the morning and I'll have time to come back and get some more sleep. WRONG. It was 4:35 a.m. and my alarm was set for 5:00 - gotta get up and be out of the house for 5:40 to make it to boot camp on time!

So, grudgingly, I dragged myself out of bed while the little dog jumped and turned circles on the bed until I picked him up. At any time of the night, when he goes out, I put on his retractable leash and open the front door. He doesn't need me to go out there with him, and with the leash, he can't go far. Well, this morning, he decided that after getting to the grass and doing his business, he was tired. So he laid down in the grass, looking at me standing in the door with my nighgown on. No amount of coaxing or tugging on the leash would get the little beast to come in. I certainly hope that none of my neighbors were up and looking out of their windows when I went out to pick him up and carry him in....

By the time I got back to bed, it was 4:45, so I did one of those "Okay, I've got 15 minutes to close my eyes until the alarm goes off" routines. Except the little dog was wide awake and wanted to play. So, my last 15 minutes of rest was spent telling Aero 'puppy go night-night' and trying to get him to calm down. That alarm sounded much quicker than I wanted.

But, it was ok. At least I was up, awake and moving fairly quickly as I packed my bag to head over to boot camp. Today was the third-to-last day and, even though I hate to admit it, I think I'm going to miss it next week! Don't get me wrong - I curse under my breath the whole 45 minutes as I try to master the pieces and parts of the workout. But, when the time is up and we're stowing our mats, weights and stretching bands, I find that I'm a little disappointed that it went so fast. Who would have ever guessed.

On my way out to my car this morning, I stopped to talk with Stephanie, one of the owners of EWHC (where boot camp is being held). My question: will there be another boot camp soon? It was like another out-of-body experience - I heard the voice and it was mine, but was I really asking for another session? Did I fall on my head or have another lack of oxygen experience this morning that may have affected my brain?

Or maybe it was staning in my front yard in my nightgown at 4:30 this morning that made me a little crazier than usual....

Until next time,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whinin' and Cryin' Like a 4 Year Old

I've said it before and I'm saying it again: I hate exercise. The "E" word.

But today, as I visited my doctor, I found myself whining like a four-year-old when she told me I needed to stop boot camp! Yes, ME, whining and crying and wheeling and dealing with her so I could go back to boot camp tomorrow morning. What's that about?

Yesterday morning during boot camp, Denise had us go out into the parking lot for some cardio work. We were to walk forward and backward as fast as we could for like 3 minutes (it was probably about 40 feet round trip), then, we turned and were side-stepping back and forth over the same spot. Of course, I couldn't keep up with the skinny girls, but I'm okay with going my own pace, which is much slower. When we started side stepping, instead of having the little 'hop' in my step like them, I deliberately place one foot down, then moved the other, taking pretty big steps, but not going very fast.

On the second lap of side-stepping, it hit me: I felt like someone had grabbed me by the throat and was choking me. I couldn't catch my breath and was wheezing like a kazoo. I stopped, bent over and put my hands on my knees and tried to calm down. I'm thinking 'great, now the skinny girls will have something to talk about today.' Denise came to my side to make sure I was ok - but was still drilling everyone else and shouting "keep going, keep going, you're not done yet." She kept asking me if I had asthma, which as far as I know I don't, but it sure sounded like it. By the time the cardio drill was over, I was breathing pretty normally again.

So back in the gym I went, and continued with the workout. Yeah, I'm stubborn that way. I don't give up easily.

At the end of class, Denise and I talked for a while about what happened. I had only experienced that once before - the first day of boot camp, and it was near the end of the workout. I figured that day I was just that out of shape and needed to watch it. She told me that she was about 10 seconds away from calling 9-1-1 . . . Oh, great, I'm thinking, give the skinny girls something really juicy to tell their friends later in the day: "Oh, Susie Sunshine guess what happened in boot camp this morning? They had to call 9-1-1 and the fat girl got taken away in an ambulance!" I wouldn't have died from whatever it was that made me not be able to breathe - I would have died of embarrassment!!!!!

I promised Denise I'd see my doctor today to talk about what happened. And I kept that promise.

Dr. Gonzales is probably the only doctor I've ever seen that I've liked. She's young (at least I'm very sure that she's a lot younger than me), but she's sympathetic and kind while being tough when she needs to be. I've been seeing her for about 2 years now and feel really comfortable when I go in.

I started telling her about what happened and when I told her I had signed up for and was participating in boot camp, I could see she wanted to roll her eyes at me. I just said, yeah, I know, I'm crazy, but I needed to try this for myself. Her diagnosis is exercise induced asthma, and she wants me to go and have a pulmonary function test and see a pulmonologist before going back to boot camp. Well, that's a little tough since the next session is tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. and I'm sure I can't do both between 3:00 and 6:00 tonight.

That's when the whining started. "But Doctor Gonzales, I really want to go to boot camp in the morning." "You can't, you've got a problem and we need to figure out what's going on." "I know, but I've been exercising at least 5 times a week before starting boot camp and this has never happened before. Maybe I'm just trying too hard to keep up with the skinny girls." "You really need to get this test done." "Are you telling me I can't exercise at all?" (making a really sad face and feeling like I'm going to cry) "No, brisk walks are okay. And your water aerobics are okay if you don't over do it." "Oh, so just not boot camp? What if I promise to not over exert myself and stay on the treadmill when the rest of the group does any kind of cardio outside and I'll stop if I feel any discomfort at all and please, please let me finish. There's only 4 sessions left and it's important to me to be able to complete this challenge." There it was. I was whining and pleading for my doctor to let me exercise. I felt like I was having an out of body experience - who is this woman that wants to exercise? Did I fall on my head? For so long, I would have jumped for joy when a doctor told me no exercise. But now, I want to go and be tortured for 45 minutes? What was I thinking?????????

So, with a stern warning from Dr. G to 'take it easy and don't over do it,' I left with a smile on my face and orders for a pulmonary function test.

All I know is that my butt better be a little smaller by next Friday afternoon!!

Until next time,

Monday, June 9, 2008

Boot Camp: Not for the Faint of Heart

I'm a big girl. I admit it - just take a look at my picutre and you can see that I've got a lot of extra poundage around my butt and other regions. But, that's not to say that I don't try to eat right and exercise.

The "E" word has in recent years become a part of my routine. 4 years ago, I joined Curves, the women-only easy-to-do-three-times-a-week workout. And for 3 years, I pretty faithfully went and did my 30 minutes 3-4 days a week. Unfortunately for me, it became more of a social outlet than a calorie-burning outlet, and my friend and workout partner Angela convinced me we needed more. With a lot of fear, but a good push from Angela, I joined the YMCA in May of 2007.

Now, I'm not afraid to try new things. During my stint at Curves and while at the Y, I've taken classes at Every Woman Health Club (another local gym specifically for women of all shapes and sizes). Those classes have included Belly Dancing (!), fitness ball how-to's, and hand weight how-to's. At the Y, I've ventured out of the pool for water aerobics and have tried a step class, a spinning class, Capioera and dance aerobics. I've also been seen on the treadmill, bike and occasionally huffing and puffing while I try to master the elliptical.

But my most recent venture into the world of E that doesn't include chlorine and a swimsuit was signing up for BOOT CAMP. EWHC offered a 3-week boot camp, Monday-Wednesday-Friday mornings. When the announcement first went out, there was that adventurous part of me that immediately thought "Wow - I should sign up for this!" Then the practical, non-E part of me would take over saying "Are you kidding? You couldn't keep up with that! Besides, what makes you think you're actually going to get out of bed to be there by 6:00 a.m.?" For two weeks I had this constant battle with myself.

Finally, on my way home the Friday before class was to start, I stopped in at EWHC to see if I could still sign up. Anne, one of the owners, told me that I was too late - they had reached their limit of 9 students. Outwardly, I was disappointed while my heart was doing that happy dance that my dilemma was solved for me - I didn't have to do it! Anne is probably one of the nicest people I've met, and she offered to 'wait list' me in case someone dropped out before Monday morning. Sure, no problem, I probably won't get a call....

Monday morning at around 10, Anne left me a message - Denise, the trainer, said that I could join them on Wednesday morning for the remainder of the session. I couldn't say no, so my decision was made: get to EWHC by 6:00 a.m. Wednesday morning for boot camp.

I'm so not a morning person, so getting there by 6 is a real challenge for me. But so far, I've done it. And even though the class is only 45 minutes, it's tough! That's why it's called boot camp. Duh.

Last Wednesday, by the afternoon, I thought I was gonna die. Friday I was sore, but not as bad. Today, I'm sore in different places, but feeling pretty good. I'm sore in places I didn't know you could be sore in. But, with only 5 more sessions, I'm feeling like I can make it.

I don't think I would have even considered something like this if Denise, the trainer, was not the one leading the class. I have the utmost respect for her - I always try to take her classes whenever they're offered. Not only is she in great shape, but her personality is warm and caring. She makes larger women feel comfortable in the gym and gives you a feeling that you can do this, no matter what your size or shape. I'm the biggest person in the group, but Denise gives me alternatives to the things I can't do (like push-ups on the floor, jogging around the block), while pushing me just as hard as she pushes the other women in the class.

Let's hope my butt takes notice and decides to firm up and drop some of it's pounds during these three weeks!

Until next time,