Monday, July 21, 2008

Seeing a Difference...

Personal Training - two words I never thought would be a part of my vocabulary. But, after boot camp was over, I decided that maybe I should give it a try. After all, boot camp didn't kill me and I really liked Denise's training style and personality, so why the heck not? I 'bought' 8 personal training sessions with her.

We started our sessions on July 5. The first one wasn't so bad. We spent about 20 minutes talking about my health, what I expected from the sessions, things that I eat - basically just so she could get to know me a little better. The the workout began. 10 minute warmup on the tread mill, followed by various kinds of exercises from ankle circles to the dreaded wall sit to tricep work. I was tired after that first workout, but glad to know that I could make it through.

We've met every Saturday and Monday now for 3 weeks. Tonight will be session number 6. In just this short time, I'm proud to say that I've increased my treadmill time from 10 to 15 minutes and my speed is up from 2.4 to 2.6. And while the scale hasn't moved much (as of this morning I'm down 8 pounds, but let's keep that to ourselves!), I'm noticing changes in the way my body looks and feels.

As I was blow-drying my hair Friday morning, I got to looking at my upper arms. Hmmm, they're still kinda big and need to slim down some, but wait! The jiggle doesn't wiggle as much as it used to! I felt my arm and whoa - it's really tight! Yay for my arms and those weights I've been using - I've moved up from 5 pounds to 8 pounds during my workouts and I guess it's paying off! And earlier in the week, I had to move some equipment from one office to another, usually a daunting task for me becuase the equipment feels heavy and my back hurts and I huff and puff after it's done. Nope. Not this time. Picked up the equipment with ease, moved it, re-installed it, moved some other stuff around and no pain or huffing and puffing. Wow. Who would have guessed.

I've still got a long way to go, but I'm happy with my progress so far. I feel stronger and tighter and my clothes are fitting way better than they used to. That Denise sure knows how to whip a girl into shape and I'm happy that she's whipping me into shape!

There are only 3 more sessions with her, but when this session is over, it'll be less than a week until Boot Camp starts again. And, much to the disbelief of my friends, I was the first one to sign up. Hah! Take that, non-believers....

Wonders never cease.

Until next time,

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