Monday, July 19, 2010

You Got Something to Say to Me?

So, I've said it before:  I'm a big girl.  I own it. I can't say that I'm proud of it, but I'm not delusional and think that I'm smaller than I am.  I work out, watch what I eat and dress appropriately.

My question, then, is why do people I barely know think it's their lot in life to offer me diet/weight loss advice - especially when I didn't ask for it!!

It happened to me twice today and that's probably why I'm so sensitive about it right now.

One of my co-workers asked me to lunch today.  We went out and got sandwiches and returned to the office; she joined me in my office to eat and chit-chat.  During our conversation, she started talking about a friend of hers who has lost nearly 100 pounds and the diet she followed and how she can put me in touch with this person so I can learn how she did it and maybe that would help me out.  What?  She continued to tell me about how she's done South Beach and the things she eats to stay thin (yes, she's thin) and had I tried South Beach or Atkins or maybe Jenny Craig.... 

At that point all I could hear was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah because I was so mad at the nerve of this woman.  I'm sure her heart was in the right place, but I don't want to discuss my weight, exercise or food intake with anyone.  I don't ask you about yours or give you advice on how to add some meat to your skinny ass, so I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same for me.

Later, while in the locker room at the gym, a woman that I see quite often came in and said something about how she sees my hard work at the gym is starting to pay off.  She then starts questioning me about whether I've heard of Sparkpeople and how I should use that to track my food an exercise every day and how wonderful and motivating the site it for staying on a diet and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Yeah, I tuned her out, too.

I still don't get why people feel it's ok to just launch into a "how to diet/exercise/take better care of yourself" conversation with me.  Do they really care?  Or is it some misguided notion that they can HELP me?

Thanks, but I don't need or want your help.  My guess is that if we go head to head in comparing our health and fitness, I'd probably kick their asses in both.

Until Next Time,


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